Fan Shrouds for WTF Windy and 30mm Cooling Fans
We are proud to announce our new product line of Fan Shrouds for standard 30mm Cooling Fans and the WTF Windy. The Fan Shrouds are available in two different Designs. Open and the Directed Flow.
Generally, both Designs will improve the motor temperatures significantly over a Fan only scenario.
They differ in the way how they channel the airflow to the motor.
The Open Flow channels the airflow to whole motor can and therefore suits the more closed can design of previous motor generations.
The Directed Flow channels the air directly to the coils of the latest motors where the majority of the can has been removed.
The Fan Shrouds are available for Standard 30mm Fans and the WTF Windy.
They are compatible with most Touring Cars on the market and made out of Carbon Fiber infused Nylon. We suggest to use double sided tape to fix it to the chassis.
Thank you for reading and see you at the track,
Denis Schablowski
Your West Coast R/C Works team